Since getting this blog site active again sometime late last year, I have been very intent in keeping it updated with all happenings, thoughts, and just anything that is in my mind. I have been very enthusiastic in putting into words through this site all that boggles, bothers, interests, and things running in my mind. As you can see, I have enough posts in each month and all of them were random. I don't cater to a particular theme to make this blog site a great one. It is my personal site. I meant to use this blog as merely my avenue to release most of what is inside my heart and mind, and monetize it too on the one side. But I never meant to let it sit for a long time.
Though I left this Bubbles of Thoughts idling for two weeks, it feels like I have ignored it for years. It is a pity that I have let it go that way, because you see? This site is one of my most important possessions right now. It took me few minutes to set this site up, but I took many days and hours just to complete the layout. It took me months before deciding that I need just the white layout and nothing more elaborate on the design. It is hard work to completely set up a blog site. With my site, it isn't complete yet in terms of the design, the layout, the widgets, the banners, and other stuff. But then, I had put hard work and time to let it be as it is today. It is my precious baby now. So, I am really ashamed that I have been detaching it from my daily life for the past two weeks.
If I could talk verbally to this site, I will apologize and hug it. I am so ashamed that I ignored you, baby. My life was down for the past few months, and the past two weeks were even like hell to me. I have been so consumed by the adversities that went around me for a while. I wallowed in depression that I haven't had the strength to go out my room for most of the days in the past couple weeks. I have sent myself locked in this little sanctuary with no companion but my computer and internet connection. I had my kid and family whom I sometimes chat with, but most of the hours of the day, I am in front of my computer trying to work on things just to ease away the pain and longing in my heart. But that was a mistake I realized I should never do again coz it got me more depressed than ever.
The past two weeks was the lowest point of my life this year and I regretted that I allowed things to go the wrong way. But now that I am collecting the pieces of my life back together, I am hoping that everything will turn out alright in the end. I am waiting for things to happen In God's Time. I am in no rush here now. I am doing this post to signal that I have risen from the dark weeks I have suffered. I am writing this piece to remind myself that there are a lot of fine things that surround me and they are just waiting for me to use and maximize them.
Right now, I am ready to take on the brighter side of life. And this Bubbles of Thoughts site will accompany me to whatever point of life I may have reach in the future. We will both have more focus on things, so that I will never leave it hanging in oblivion once again. I will have more strengths that I will be using but I know there will be more weaknesses and failures I may have encounter yet again. But one thing is for sure, I will take the positive things that come with every weakness so I won't go down again to the grave of emotional pits.
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