September 10, 2009

Tame Me... If You Can

Can you tame me? Coz I doubt if you can. And if you think you can, how?

Forgive me, but there is no doubt in my mind that am really doubting if you can...

You see, it's gonna be hard because you yourself has not been a good example to me. How can you tell what is good for me when you did me wrong in the first place? How can you say that I am sheerly a stubborn woman, when it was you who enforced my mind to be always searching for truth, or my heart to become hard like I was never before? I am in utter confusion, my dear! You brought this on...

So sorry that I'm being hard on you during my difficult times.

I cannot always submit to you because I cannot pretend that I like submitting to whatever you say. I was willing to surrender once, but what happened? How did it go? How did things can go wrong this way?

Is there room for forgiveness? Is there any for me to lighten up to you? I am begging you, please tell me how... 'Coz it's always been hard to wallow in this dark pit of emotion. But, I admit, I still wanna be what you desire for me to be one day... even though I get so crazy b'coz of your craziness...

'coz you see? are an important piece of my life.

But Dear One, I know, Inshallah!

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