July 24, 2008

July 24 - Unforgettable First Day, Preliminary Exams

Today marked the start of our preliminary examinations. I have a schedule at 8:45-9:45AM. I have another at 1:00-3:00PM. The first one went well, no problems or any hassles arose in between. More so, I'm confident that I passed the exam. It was easy. After the first exam, I went home to freshen myself up (the temperature's so high up in school), and eat lunch. At 12:30PM, I was on my way to AUL. I was almost late when I reached the gate of the University, so I hurried my pace so I'd be in the assigned examination room right on time.

But that did not happen...

What did?

You'll never imagine it!

I already noticed the way I walked was kind of a little weird after covering like 25meters from the gate of the school, but ignored it for my mind was fully-occupied of the exams. When I was more than halfway of the distance from the gate to the assigned room, it was then that I started to feel there's really something wrong.

My shoes (with 2.5 inches heel), or rather the pressure/weight I put on the shoe on my left leg, turned jelly. Feeling my stomach with butterflies already, I checked by looking down at it behind me.

Good lord, was I so aghast to find out the heel on my right pump had actually come loose! I was aware that, any more pressure put on it, the heel goes off. So, I did not anymore attempt of going further. Instead, turned left and quickly got my weak walk up the little ramp that goes up the ladies room to further examine the thing. I was fortunate enough that there was only a few people and I don't think they understood my predicament; HOWEVER, panic was already rising in me as I knew there's no way I could fix it, and sweat was starting to form on my face.

As soon as I got inside one of the cubicles in the comfort room, I tried to fix the pump's heel but it already gave in. The damn heel even went off completely after several tries of fixing! The temperature suddenly and ridiculously went impossibly high, although it wasn't as hot inside. I tried to remember what the girl did when she experienced the same thing on one of Mentos TV commercials, but my pump shoes are not the kind that you could take off the heels, and use them like they were flat shoes. No, it's simply impossible!

It was a good thing that Annie, a high school best friend, is a regular employee at the finance department of the University, and she rushed in to my aide after sending her a text message. She was always a dependable person in cases like this, but she was laughing hard at my predicament when she brought me a pair of slippers and got me a tri-wheel vehicle so I could go home and change.

As anticipated, I wasn't able to take my Chemistry examination because of that "little accident..."

When I got home, I changed my uniform into civilian clothes. Next, went to the mall to buy a new pair. I got myself a nice, little, black pumps; but, whew! The cost! I also went back to school to ask for a special examination. Thanks to my Chemistry instructor, she allowed me to take it at that very moment. It was really embarrassing; but, heck! I knew I'm not the only person to experience such, ayt?

But, of course, there are lessons.

Ladies, remember these two things:

First, always check your things before leaving.

Second, if you feel like there's something wrong or suspicious in any of your things, trust your instinct that there really is.

So, there! Today was just one of my unforgettable and embarrassing predicaments. I have many of them, mind you. lol!

How about you? Do you have any to tell?:-)

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