February 11, 2008

Got a Website Project to finish for my CS 4.1 class

I'm currently at Lab A room of AUL, trying to create a website/program that we will have to submit for the midterm and final requirements. We are using Macromedia Flash version 8 and Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 to finish the site.

To those who do not know Macromedia, it is the software technology that allows you to build a website and upload it in the internet. You don't have to worry about the codes. They are all ready for you. All you have to do is to learn how to navigate and play with the elements, properties, designs, and others. Pictures to be used on the site can be sourced from your own picture folders, Photoshop folders, various websites, and others.

Right now, the project that we are assigned to do is to convert any children's book (like Grolier encyclopedia) into a website, complete with homepage, link/s for each page of the book, graphics, images, texts, and Flash videos we previously created for our subject activities.

Pray tell that I can do and finish this project website. I'm quite a busy person, with other obligations and responsibilities to accomplish in between, so finishing this task is quite a difficult thing to do. Anyhow, time management would be the key. So, keep time management in your head...alright, jirl?

Ok, ciao for now! Back to discovering Macromedia Dreamweaver.

Aja, jirl!

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